Helping Happy, Engaged Couples
Create Unforgettably Fun Celebrations
in Kansas City, Missouri & Worldwide

Crafting Amazing Grand Entrances
with Hilarious Personalized Intros
that Elicit Cheering & Laughter

Keeping Your Guests Emotionally
Attached to the Meaningful Moments
as Your Skilled Master of Ceremonies

Working with Thoughtful Couples
Who are Looking for Creative Ways to
Honor & Spotlight Their Loved Ones

Adding Class & Surprises to Your
Uniquely Personalized Special Dances
to the Awe & Delight of Your Guests

Fostering a Festive Mood to Initiate
Fun & Engaging Dancing That will be
Enjoyed by Your Guests of All Ages

Helping Happy, Engaged Couples
Create Unforgettably Fun Celebrations
in Kansas City, Missouri & Worldwide

Crafting Amazing Grand Entrances
with Hilarious Wedding Party Intros
that Elicit Cheering & Laughter

Keeping Your Guests Emotionally
Attached to the Meaningful Moments
as Your Skilled Master of Ceremonies

Working with Thoughtful Couples
Who are Looking for Creative Ways to
Honor & Spotlight Their Loved Ones

Adding Class & Surprises to Your
Uniquely Personalized Special Dances
to the Awe & Delight of Your Guests

Fostering a Festive Mood to Initiate
Fun & Engaging Dancing That will be
Enjoyed by Your Guests of All Ages

Because I recognize The PURPOSE of a wedding celebration and am committed to giving my couples The RESULTS they deserve, I am very selective about filling the limited number of dates I will secure in a given year. If you want to learn how I can guarantee The LAUGHTER and The DANCING that your guests will be talking about for years to come…let’s schedule some time to talk about your plans and explore what we might be able to accomplish together.
Call toll-free to schedule your
complimentary initial consultation
(800) 994-5338
Feel free to text me if you prefer
(949) 584-5338
Felicia The Photographer
Kansas City, Missouri & Worldwide
Web Site: FeliciaThePhotographer.com
Facebook: @feliciathephotographer
Instagram: feliciathephotog